Friday, July 8, 2011

Defriendment Friday's

Just another day at the office, Johnny Baseball will lead things off for us this week...

Johnny Baseball:

The Culprit: (first name removed) Rose

Reasoning: Well first off, let me just say this girls last name on facebook you know this is going to be a good one.This is the status for me that really did it...Sushi later ? I think YES :-D yay...If you're getting that excited for don't deserve to be Johnny Baseball's friend on facebook, enough said. Also a few other statuses that really pushed me over the limit, and I quote "trying to make a summer cd - HELP I need more songs !! =]"...A CD?'s 2011...and you're making a CD? In the famous words of Herman Edwards...GET OUT! And last but not least the 3 statuses about inflatable beer pong? Get a table honey....I'm appauled

Quite Frank-ly:

The Culprit: Christina (last name removed)

Reasoning: Sealed her fate last week with a sarcastic comment on my defriendment status. Is also known for statuses that ooze with nonsense.

Steve the Hammer:

The Culprit: Christopher (last name removed)

Reasoning: All it takes is one retarded mobile upload with a retarded caption and you're off my friends list. Here is what did this guy in. It was a picture of a deer and the caption was "a picture of a deer I saw peeing while I was riding my bike today!!!! lmao". How sad is your life that you think a deer peeing is that hysterical? If that's the highlight of your day, we are no longer friends. GET HIM OUT!!!!!

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