Thursday, September 6, 2012

Why She Gets So Many "Likes"

The other day I'm on facebook and a girl changes her profile picture. It comes up on my news feed just like it does on basically everyone elses news feed and there had to be at least 35 to 40 "likes" on the picture. She's hot, she's obviously going to get likes. Then I see a comment from some dumb, dumb guy that says, "How do you get so many likes?" Think about it dummy, it's not a hard concept.

It's a hot girl who's posting a sexy picture of herself, not only are all her girl friends gonna comment on it and like it, but every creepy guy who only friended her for the reason that she's hot are also going to like it. Do you know how many creepy dudes literally sit on facebook all day just liking pictures of girls that pop up on their news feed all day? The numbers are probably endless.

Also, since she's a girl she probably changes her profile picture and uploads new pictures like I change my underwear. Therefore, guys are gonna be creeping on this poor girl all day long. So whenever they get the chance to "like" one of her pictures, they're gonna take that chance. Factor in those girls who haven't spoken to her in like five years and just wanna tell her that she's beautiful and you have a shit ton of likes for one picture.

To that guy who wants to know why she gets so many likes, I hope I sorted things out for you. She's a girl, she's hot, and she has a vagina; people are gonna be liking that shit all day long. A guy is never gonna get more than three likes on any of his pictures, but hot girls are gonna have over twenty every time. It's not rocket science my friend. There's a reason she gets so many likes.

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