Thursday, September 6, 2012

People Going Ape Shit Over The Greatest Billboard Ever Seen

SPY Optic, a company who specializes in sun glasses that do "sit on your face" caught so much shit for putting up this billboard that they were forced to take it down. Not only do I think this is genius and perfect for a sunglasses company, I also think this is perfect for strip clubs to advertise. If I was driving and I saw this, I would die from laughing so hard. Now people are going ape shit saying that it's a sexual innuendo and that they should take it down. It might be sexually suggestive, but who cares? When it's funny, it's funny. And this is just flat out funny. As well as genius. And it goes perfectly in tune with what sun glasses do. They sit on your face. Kudos to this marketing team, you guys did a fantastic job even though it was only up there fore like six minutes total.

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