Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What's for Dinner? My Wife, Slow Roasted!

Ahh, the old slow cooking the wife defense, classic David Viens, classic. Viens said that he accidentally killed her after an argument and then decided to cook her! Slowly roasted baby! Slather up some BBQ sauce on that broad, give me some cornbread and mac and cheese and lets call it a day.

"I manipulated her so the face was -- the face is down, and I took some -- some things -- like weights that we use, and I put them on the top of her body, and I just slowly cooked it and I ended up cooking her for four days," Viens said.
"You cooked Dawn's body for four days?" sheriff's homicide Sgt. Richard Garcia asked.
"I cooked her four days," he said. "I let her cool. I strained it out as I -- I was in there, OK."
That's his confession, legitimately. Now I don't mean to sound like an asshole but I'm really upset that this guys restaurant is going to close, sounds like he knew what he was doing. He wasn't just going to make ribs, he had some pulled pork ready to go, some rump roast, this guy knew what he was doing. Maybe take her liver and serve it with some fennel and light aioli dressing...David Viens definitely had that on the menu, he knows what he's doing. This story is too good. This guy sounds like a special kind of crazy. Pat Bateman has some company for best confession ever.

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