Monday, June 18, 2012

You Can't Just Leave When You're In The Middle Of An Epic Beer Pong Run

You're at a party, you're planning to play one or two games of beer pong and then go get ready for the night ahead of you. But you win the first game, then the second game, then the next thing you know you and your partner are fighting over who's drinking the next cup because you're both alcoholics and you guys haven't lost in like nine games. 

What is the moral of the story I'm getting at here? You can't just leave in the middle of a beer pong run. Once you start winning, you play until you either pass out from drinking or until you lose. But no matter what, you have to stay for the duration of the win streak. 

Like the other day, my buddy Frank and I decided to play a little beer pong. We thought nothing of it, we'll probably win one game and then the next team will play. Next thing I know it's nine games later, we're all fucked up and my partner was supposed to leave an hour ago. But you know what? He stuck out the duration of the win streak and drank like a champ. Because you can't just leave when you're in the middle of a beer pong run. You'd be leaving your partner like the Jews left Christ. 

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