Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Asshole Of The Day Award


In one of the stranger Asshole Of The Day Awards we have this deranged woman from Texas. So you crash your car into a bus with your 5 year old, 12 year old, and 16 year old in the car. What do you do next? I mean the logical choice here would be like making sure the kids are all okay, figuring out what the fuck just happened and you know just your run of the mill parenting stuff. But no, none of that actually happened. What did she do you ask? She got out of the car and walked to a CVS somewhere and was found by the cops inside the CVS butt ass naked and eating ice cream. Outstanding. She looks like she'd be a prime suspect for chowing down on some ice cream. Hey, I'm all for eating anything naked quite frankly, but definitely not inside a CVS right after a car wreck while I leave my kids at the scene. And after seeing your picture I am going to say that you must've scarred the cops and everyone else who saw you for life. I have nothing left to tell you other than to tell you that I have nothing left to tell you. Here's your t-shirt crazy lady, I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul. 

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