Monday, April 2, 2012

Prostitute Arrested After Telling Undercover Cop She Would Have Sex With Him For Two Cheeseburgers Off The McDonald's Dollar Menu


All she wanted was two cheeseburgers off the McDonald's dollar menu and you could have sex with this broad? This sounds like the greatest date ever. Just taking this chick to the McDonald's drive thru giving her some cheeseburgers and then getting your dick wet. If my girlfriend wanted that I would be able to get my own apartment and move out of my parents basement (yeah, she'll definitely yell at me after she reads that one). Anyway, she picked the wrong guy to have sex with for cheeseburgers since he turned out to be an undercover cop. She told him about the abandoned parking lot they could go to so they could finish the deal by her getting plowed, and she was actually arrested right there. I'm just wondering if she got to eat the burgers. I just love how a chick like this wants to be respected. You lost your right for respect after the words, "I'll bang you for a burger off the dollar menu," came out of your mouth. So for all you ladies out there looking to be prostitutes, don't do what she did. 

Sidenote: Tell me this isn't the real life version of the Hunger Games 

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