Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Introducing C U Next Tuesday's: Stories Of Your Cunt Ex Girlfriends

Okay, so we have decided on an absolutely genius new segment for Tuesday's. Now before I begin, let me just say that Things I Wish I Could Tell My Girlfriend will be moved to Thursday's since I know people are a big fan of it. However, this idea was just too genius to not create. This new segment is called C U Next Tuesday's: Stories Of Your Cunt Ex Girlfriends. What's gonna happen is you're gonna send me in stories about your cunt ex girlfriend, and I'm gonna post them on here to show the world how crazy women actually are. It's just like Drunk Story Saturday's only it's way better. Here is story number one...

Story from Eric (Bloomington):

"Let me explain to you a story that epitomizes a psychotic woman. I go out with her and her little annoying fucking six year old cousin for the little six year old bitch's birthday. We were just strolling around the mall all fucking day as we were looking for clothes for this little girl who I just wanted to kick in the face. We finally get the girl something and as we're leaving I'm noticing my girlfriend giving me an attitude. I'm just thinking what the fuck is going on now? Finally, we drop off the little bitch and we're sitting in the car and I ask her what the fuck is the matter. You know what she tells me? She tells me that I didn't put enough effort into looking for clothes for her six year old cousin. Yes, SIX fucking years old, and I didn't put effort into looking for outfits for her. Apparently I'm this connoisseur on little girls clothing that I didn't know about. Sorry if I can't put an outfit together for a six year old girl."  

Well, I see exactly why she's your ex. I guess she didn't realize that if you were actually into putting together an outfit for a six year old girl that would consider you a pedophile. I think what she needed was a gay best friend, not a boyfriend. 

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