Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Asshole Of The Day


Just a guy trying to set up a meeting with a prostitute to get his dick wet. Just a guy who happens to be a police sergeant setting this up in a neighboring town. Just a guy getting caught by cops of that neighboring town for trying to buy a prostitute. Come on bro, you know that police set up these sting operations all the fucking time. You didn't just give a phone call and check to see if the police were planning this? You can do that, you have that power. Instead you turn into one of the asshole's who gets caught and now you're pretty much fucked. Plus your face is all over every town newspaper and now everyone knows you're a whore lover. There's nothing wrong with being a whore lover, but it's a much easier life when everyone doesn't know that you love whores. Here's your t-shirt serge, I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul. 

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