Monday, April 2, 2012

Asshole Of The Day


Stop me when this doesn't sound like a normal night at a bar. Man meets woman, man takes woman into designated smoking room, man proceeds to have sex with woman in the designated smoking room, man gets kicked out of bar and on the way out bites off the bartenders pinky. Everything up to the pinky bite probably sounds like your average night. Throw in the guy biting off the bartender's pinky, and now we have a whole new ball game. I mean come on bro was getting kicked out that traumatic for you? Like seriously, what'd you expect it's not like having sex in public is allowed on the reg. And then you bite off the bartender's pinky. Were you that mad about getting kicked out? Whatever, regardless you couldn't even post bail and now you're stuck in jail. Here's your t-shirt Tyson Jr., I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul. 

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