Friday, August 19, 2011

What's Your Crews Walk Out Song?

Everyone knows the deal with this one. You're pre-gaming with your crew, you're getting ready to go out, having a couple of drinks and then boom! Times almost up. The cab is here in 5 minutes, you have to catch a train or your ride is leaving to beat the line at the door. We know, we've all been there. What is the song that your crew plays right before you go out? What song gets you guys (or girls) jacked up and ready to have a good night? I want to know. I want emails, comments and anything else and I will make a top 10 list of the best ones. If you comment you can use anonymous on the comment thing. That will work, you don't need to sign up for anything. If you send emails, send them to Let me know the song, and what college you go to. Like I just said, I am ranking the top 10. What's my crews walk out song? Right here posted at the bottom of course. If this doesn't get you jacked up to have a good night then you don't have a pulse.

1 comment:

  1. Superhero (the entourage theme song) but It is only used in the car
