Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Asshole(s) Of The Day Award


I can't say I don't love the idea but I can say that everything these kids did after the initial idea went pretty overboard. Their teacher went out of town, these kids broke into her house, drank all her liquor, used her credit card to call sex hotlines, abused her dog and took a shit in her washing machine. If you're gonna do something like this you normally wouldn't invite ten other people over the house. Normally the neighbors know when their neighbor goes out on vacation. That means if they see a bunch of kids in the house next door that they're most likely calling the cops. They did, now these kids are fucked. And at least bring your own alcohol. Do you think she wouldn't notice half her alcohol missing when she got back? Or notice shit in the washing machine or notice that her dog has been raped? I think she would notice all these things. You kids are the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet. Here are your t-shirts, I award you no points and may god have mercy on your souls. 

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