Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Talking Sports With People Who Don't Know What They're Talking About is the Most Frustrating Shit Ever

Is there anything more frustrating than talking sports with someone who doesn't know what they're talking about? And I'm not talking about the people who just don't really know about sports. I'm talking about the people who think they know what they're talking about but they have absolutely no idea.

For instance, Mets fans who didn't want to trade R.A. Dickey and go around talking about how terrible of a trade it is. For the guy who says, "Why would you trade the Cy Young winner, that's retarded." Okay, because he's 37 years old and the Mets aren't going anywhere within the next three years. Not to mention they're getting back two of the top 30 prospects in baseball for him. Any other questions?

Or even more recently, the guys who couldn't figure out why the Ravens decided to take the safety in the Super Bowl. "Come on bro! This coach doesn't know what he's doing! He's trying to fix the game." Right, or he would rather not give the other team a chance to win the game with 11 seconds left by having their offense come onto the field from about midfield. Instead he'll take his chances on the safety punt with 4 seconds left and put it in the hands of a punt returner. What a dumb move right?

And the reason you can't even argue with these people is because they think they're right. They have no explanation to their statement and they think they're the fucking Czar of sports knowledge. They hear what the other idiots like them are saying and they just agree and go with what they hear. I have no problem with you not knowing sports. But I have a big problem with you thinking you know sports and then trying to "enlighten" me. Please, if you don't know shit just keep your mouth shut. You're the guy that everyone at the bar hates.

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