Tuesday, February 5, 2013

If Group Text Messaging Was Around When I Was in College I Would Have Never Gotten Laid

The iPhone has made group texting easy as well as annoying for everyone involved. It's easy to just put everyone in the group text but it's also a pain in the ass for those who don't have iPhones and have to have separate conversations and get random texts from numbers of people they don't know. I realized that if this was around while I was in college there would have been zero chance of me getting laid. 

Why? What does this have to do with anything? It actually has everything to do with everything when I was in college. Why? Well back in my ass getting prime I would utilize the mass text to perfection because I just didn't want to send the same text to multiple people in my phone. And by multiple people I mean females. 

I would send out a mass text every Thursday night asking multiple women what they were doing tonight and for the weekend as well. Group texting wasn't an option during that time so they all thought I was interested in them personally and what their plans were for the weekend. Meanwhile, I would be having four separate conversations with four different females trying to make sure I had a slam dunk for later in the night when I was blackout drunk. Could you imagine if they were all in a group text with one another? I would've looked like the biggest sleezebag on the planet. 

Long story short I feel for the college kids these days. They can't just send out a group text to five different women trying to get laid on a given night. They have to put the time in, think it through and have separate conversations with these women in order to get their dick wet. Social media and technology are absolute killers for dudes trying to slay multiple vagina. If I had to go through college now, I would be cranking my dick to porn a lot more than I did when I was in school. Thank god my father slipped one passed the goalie when he did. 

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