Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Need Help Looking Busy at Work? We Got You Covered

Work, people think of it as having something to do the entire time you're there. Sometimes that is actually the case and other times you really don't have anything to do. But your boss doesn't want to hear that. Your boss wants to hear that you're always busy and you always have something to do. Therefore, the key is to look busy all the time. 

How do you look busy all the time? The first way of looking busy is to have a worried look on your face. Look worried, chew on a pen, whenever you look through papers look through them fast even though you know that you're really just looking like you're doing something. A worried look makes people think you have a sense of urgency to get something done. You know that's not the case but they don't. 

The second way of looking busy at work? It's simple, walk fast. Whenever you leave your desk or seat to go to the bathroom, get some water, go to the vending machine or even just walk to break your coworkers balls, do it while walking fast. Once again, walking fast makes people think that you actually have something to do and you're in a hurry to get it done. 

That's pretty much it. It's actually really easy. All you need to look busy at work is to have a worried look on your face and walk fast wherever you go. If you do those two things your boss will think you're the greatest employee to ever walk through his or her doors. No one else has to know the method, just keep it to yourself and stay on that grind. 

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