Monday, April 22, 2013

When You Can't Take Your Eyes Off That Person's Defect

I am fully aware that I will be rotting in hell for a majority of the things that I write on here, but I'm pretty sure this one will be one of the top reasons that I will be burning. I still look at hell as one giant party since basically every person I know will be there with me. Including most of you who read this since you've probably thought about most of these things, you've just never said them. Anyway, have you ever noticed something on a person that you try so hard to not look at but you just cannot take your eyes off no matter how hard you try? You know, something such as a giant mole or a 3D nose? 

For instance, the other night I was bartending and I noticed a chick walk into the bar and the first thing I saw was a nose that should've been listed as a concealed weapon with how far out the fucking thing came. All I kept thinking in my head was, "I hope she doesn't come to me for her drink because I can't take my eyes off this thing." To no avail, here she came, right up to me. 

I went over to help her and I was basically dead set on staring at this nose. It was majestic. I didn't think that a nose this large could fit on the face of a human being. Usually noses are either pointy, really round at the front, or have big nostrils. This one was like all three of the noses I just mentioned had a threesome and shot out a kid. It literally took me ten minutes to take her and her friend's order because I didn't hear anything they were saying to me. All I was looking at was her nose. I also couldn't hear very well because there had to be at least a four foot barrier between us other wise I would have lost an eye. 

Am I that fucked up that I just couldn't stop staring at this? Am I the only person that this has happened to? Does she know just how large her nose really is? Or is she oblivious to the situation? Has this ever happened to you? I felt like I was on Punk'd and Ashton Kutcher was getting ready to run into the bar area. If other people can't take their eyes off your defect, should you really be out in public? I want emails and responses from you, the people immediately. 

Sidenote: Email DO NOT go to the Contact Us section on the site. Those do not come to me. There is a problem with it. Email me or any of us through our direct emails. 

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