Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How The Fuck Are Andrew McCutchen And David Wright Not Starting The All Star Game?

So as they do every year the fans manage to find some way to fuck up the All Star starters and this year in the NL they fucked up at least two but probably three. The two main guys I'm talking about are David Wright and Andrew McCutchen. Both are tied for second in the NL with identical .354 averages  and the guys who got voted in ahead of them (Pablo Sandoval and Matt Kemp) aren't even close. So what if a guy plays for your team and you want to see him start the all star game. Big fucking deal. It's not fair to guys who are just having monster seasons to watch someone be named a starter in front of them who can't even lick their cleats this year. Guys get shafted every year because fans are morons. How about you idiots take a look at the stats before you decide on anything. If it looks like your guy shouldn't even be in the running then you shouldn't even look at him. It's not fair to guys like this who show how good they are every single night. And also probably slay so much tang on a nightly basis they should have AIDS by now. But the fans, you assholes got the NL wrong this year. Including voting in Uggla at second base. Dudes hitting .230 give me a fucking break. 

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