Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Some Crazy Mother Stole Her Son's National Letter of Intent and Can't Be Found

So today is one of the most infuriating days of the year. College Football's, "National Letter of Intent" signing day.

ESPN has turned these high school seniors into A list celebrities, it pisses me off to no end because kids think they're so hot with their crazy talents that are going to get them laid from the second they walk onto their campuses... bastards

Anyway, the picture above is Alex Collins, who is a 5 star (highest rating) recruit who was to sign his national letter of intent with the University of Arkansas. However, Yahoo Sports reports that Alex's mother has gone AWOL, with his letter of national intent.

The early reports are that Alex's mother stole the letter because she wants her son to sign with the University of Miami, they're from Fort Lauderdale.

Alex was supposed to have a huge press conference at his high school to announce he was signing with Arkansas but he cancelled it and no other news has come from their camp.

I don't get this? We can't just go online and print out a new national letter of intent? This isn't 1990, a couple weeks ago when I went to get my packet for my new job there was no 2013 W-4 forms or whatever. My athletic director went online found it and printed it out in five minutes.

Good try though Alex's mother. When everyone realizes this, your little stunt will be thwarted.

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