Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why Do Chicks Take Pictures Of Each Other Before They Go Out?

There are a lot of things in this world that boggle my mind. People getting back with someone who's cheated on them, guys who wear sunglasses at night and chicks who give blowies instead of having sex because they claim to have morals are just a few things that confuse me. And I am now adding girls who take pictures of themselves before going out to that list. 

I'm just curious as to why every time you go out there needs to be a photo shoot. Like if girls didn't take pictures like they were at a magazine photo shoot, I wouldn't care. But when you take eighty pictures and seventy of them are in your hotel room in Vegas, what the fuck is the point? You all take a picture in the same exact pose twelve different times. The one hand on the hip, the both hands on both hips, the looking away pose, the mean face pose, the cheesing it face and of course the case cracker, the kissy face. 

Then once you move on from the individual stupid pictures you move to the group stupid pictures. Everyone looking the other way, everyone serious, everyone doing something different and then something random and stupid that ends up being a spur of the moment thing. The funny thing is that there are never actually pictures of you and your friends while you are out. It's basically like a photographer going to a football game and only having pictures of what is going on in the locker room. It's fucking stupid. 

Let me guess, "It's the only thing we could remember from last night." Right, because those vodka cranberry's were so strong that you blacked out after four of them while you were still in the room. Got it. If I didn't have to look at the same exact sequence of pictures from every girl on facebook I really wouldn't care. But you all have the same exact sequence of pictures. Change it up a little bit. Or maybe take pictures while you are actually out huh? That'd be crazy. Then at least you'll have some way to vaguely remember your night instead of not remembering anything at all.

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