Friday, July 6, 2012

This Dude Is Not Pleased About Being Tricked By His Wife Into Seeing Magic Mike

This Pittsburgh Dad guy is actually quite hilarious. This is the first time I've even heard of this fucking guy but he's great. Just a hillbilly who's all sorts of jacked up about being tricked by his wife into seeing Magic Mike. He's right though, chicks were wetting themselves and going ape shit over seeing this fucking movie. And he's also right that his wife is a typical female getting pissed at him for looking at Victoria's Secret magazine meanwhile she's rubbing her box over Magic fucking Mike. When I went to see Ted there was a line of women from 13 to about 57 wrapped around the block all trying to see Magic Mike. But if there was a movie with Kate Upton running in slow motion in just a bikini for two hours we would all be considered perves. But Channer Tating can walk around with his butt out all day and it's perfectly fine. Women have some fucking nerve don't they?

Sidenote: I know his name is Channing Tattum, I just needed to call him by what this guy called him because it's hysterical. 

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