Thursday, July 5, 2012

If The Mets Actually Trade For K-Rod I Will Lose My Fucking Mind


I swear to god that if what I'm hearing is true and the Mets actually try to trade for K-Rod I might just boycott them for the rest of the season. What the fuck is Sandy Alderson smoking that this is even a thought in that bald head of his? We all saw firsthand that K-Rod and New York just don't mix at all. I mean besides the fact that his velocity went from 97 down to 92 and he made me shit my pants every time he entered the game even if he did get the save; he also got arrested for beating up his father in law and injured his elbow.  We need an upgrade in the bullpen, not the same fucking heart attack we've been getting for the last however many years. I would rather see Braden Looper back closing games than this fucking guy. There's just no way that you can actually convince me that this is a good move. Yeah, we won't have to give up much because he'll basically be a rental but we can look elsewhere for rentals. How about Oakland? Grant Balfour has been lights out this year and I'm sure Oakland will be selling at the deadline since they're basically out of the race and they never have money. Bring in someone who can get people out and give ourselves a chance at this thing. I'm sick of watching this bullpen implode every other night and throwing K-Rod into the mix will just be throwing gasoline on a fire. No fucking way, I wouldn't take him back if I only had to give up a bucket of baseballs and a bag of kettle cooked potato chips. Fuck this guy, and get the thought of him out of your head Alderson. Let's get someone who gives us a real shot and not a washed up closer who's already failed in the Big Apple. 

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