Monday, May 9, 2011

Highlight Feature Of The Day: Why Graduating College Sucks…

With college graduation approaching with a full head of steam, I thought it would only be necessary to write something about why graduating from college is going to suck massively. If I could think of something good, I would write it, but I only see the negatives on this one.

First and foremost, getting shitfaced on a regular basis is no longer socially acceptable. In college it is actually the social norm to get obliterated on a regular basis. Once you leave college, you are considered an alcoholic if you show up to work hungover as shit or get blackout drunk at happy hour. College drinking rules do not apply in the real world, it’s best to try and adapt quickly, or start going to meetings.

Next, that two day a week class schedule is now a Monday through Friday hell week. Yes, getting a real job absolutely blows. I don’t actually have one yet, but from my internship experience, I wanted to swan dive out of the 17th floor window and into a dixie cup. Shitty pay and working 9 to 5 is a whole new world than sleeping until 11 every day and getting pants shitting drunk at night.

Lastly, Mommy and Daddy’s money is no more. Bills, food and everything else you can imagine is now your responsibility. Once you start realizing how expensive it is to actually live, you realize that your job sucks that much more. From this point on, you start playing lotto on a weekly basis and praying to God as the numbers are announced.

Those are the main reasons that graduating from college sucks. I hate to put a damper on everyone as they go into their senior week, but these are the facts. If you can manage to stay in school, do it. If not, it’s going to be a long life of 9 to 5 and being broke. Look out real world; here we come.

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