Monday, April 4, 2011

Maybe This Wasn't Such A Good Idea...

These are some interesting comments...

When you're a congressman and a priest makes a comment about your recent budget cuts, it's probably not the best idea to call that priest a "pedophile pimp" on facebook. Guy, you're a fucking congressman, which means you probably have to be kind of smart. Yes, most people think of priests as pedophiles, but no one actually comes out publicly and says it, you giant asshole. I mean yeah, amongst friends everyone makes jokes and on halloween people dress up as a priest with a little boy chained to them, but no one publicly announces it to the world. It's just an unwritten rule that you do not publicly heckle priests for liking little boys. Just like we don't publicly heckle politicians, like yourself, for being liars and thieves. Unwritten rules, get to know them.

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