Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How Much Alcohol Would It Take Tuesday's

Since I’ve made fun of her twice since last week, I only found it appropriate that I keep that train rolling and make fun of her again….

Yes, you guessed it; today’s candidate is none other than Snooki. And yes, the fact that I hate her had a lot to do with this decision. So how much alcohol would it take for me to bang this little ball made of funnel cakes and tanning oil? Well since I hate her, we have to up the amount that way I don’t really know who it is. I’m thinking two of those giant bottles of Jager and probably an injection of rubbing alcohol as well. Throw in exactly five shots of Dubra after all that, and I’m ready to bang Snooki.

Sidenote: Look at this picture underneath and tell me she doesn’t have a striking resemblance to Baby Sinclair from the show Dinosaurs...


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