Monday, December 10, 2012

In Florida Today

I love this edition to the blog. Today in Florida we have a 51 year old woman getting charged with a DUI and child abuse for driving hammered with her autistic 15 year old son in the car. What exactly is hammered? How about registering a .309 BAC on the breath test. So pretty much what you're telling me is that 30% of this woman's blood was actually alcohol. The fact that she was even able to see, let alone drive the fucking car amazes me. This chick must be a fucking tank to still be walking after drinking that much. Well now she can be a tank in prison, since that is directly where she's going. No wonder the kid's autistic she was probably getting shitfaced while she was pregnant with him.

1 comment:

  1. That's a picture from a chick in Europe though. Steering wheel is on the wrong side.

    Love Julio
