Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Yeah Assholes, A-Rod Should Be on the Postseason Roster and No He Shouldn't be Platooning

Yankee fans piss me off more than any other fan base on the planet. Why? Because they decide right away who they like and who they don't like. And the one guy that no matter what he does and what he's done who Yankee fans will never like is A-Rod. I'm not gonna sugar coat this, if you honestly think A-Rod should be A) platooning and/or B) left off the postseason roster, you're a complete asshole who knows nothing about baseball.

Yeah, let's platoon a guy who plays great defense and has a great arm at third base. You're right, that makes perfect fucking sense in the playoffs. Let's also platoon the guy who leads the team in stolen bases and is a great fucking baserunner who gets on base by walking a shitload. Yeah, let's do that too. And lastly, let's platoon a guy who just by having him in the lineup makes everyone else better. If you don't think that's true, you're a moron.

Guess what else? He's come up clutch in the postseason for you mother fuckers before. He CARRIED you to your last world series by himself. Yes, if he doesn't hit in the LDS and LCS you guys don't win the world series in 2009. And that's not an opinion, that's a fucking fact.

Yeah his bat has clearly slowed down a little bit, but just having him in the lineup already makes you a better team. You wanna play Eric fucking Chavez? Are you kidding me? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If he didn't get hurt he still would've finished with 25 home runs and around 75-80 RBI's that's also not an opinion. But go ahead, tell yourself how he sucks and he'll never be Jeter. Do that all you want. But I do have a news flash for you, I'm not saying Jeter isn't great but he couldn't lick A-Rods cleats. Look at the career fucking stats. It's not even close. If you'd like to argue that then fucking email me. It's and I'm here all day.

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