Friday, October 7, 2011

The Way She Keeps Her Shoes

There is an old theory that is circulating around the world about women and their shoes. I'm not talking about the type of shoes women wear in certain situations. No, I am talking about the way a woman actually keeps her shoes. Are they clean? Are they a disaster? Does she take care of them like she should? You would actually be surprised what the theory about this is, but that's why I'm here, so I can fucking tell you. 

This theory actually is one that looks at the parallels between the way a woman keeps her shoes, and the way she keeps her vagina. From everyone who has looked into this theory, they say that this is one hundred percent correct. And from what I have seen in my hay day, this theory actually seems to hold some weight. 

Let's say a girl has shoes that are all ragged and beat up. They're not super dirty, but they have definitely be over worked and have seen better days. If this is the case, her vagina is probably ragged and beat up, and you can bet your ass that poor thing has seen better days. It's probably like not completely shaved and very sloppy all around. Just like her shoes. Now, if a girl is wearing pristine, nicely kept shoes, then you can bet that vagina is kept better than a rich person's house with a maid. 

Look, I'm not saying that this theory is 100% true. But I am saying that from what I have experienced first hand, it definitely has been true. If there are any rebuttals from ladies, please feel free to comment. And guys, if you have any input in this department, you are also encouraged to comment. But one thing everyone should begin to keep an eye on is how a woman keeps her shoes. 

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