Friday, October 7, 2011

"I'm Awesome At Beer Pong"

Whenever the topic of drinking games come up the game that is brought up more than any other is the game of beer pong. I really don't even know why everyone loves this game so much. It's very slow paced, you don't drink that quickly, and you have to rely on someone other than yourself to make some plays. When you put it like that it really doesn't sound all too appealing. 

Anyway, that's neither here or there at the moment. What I want to know is why everyone talks about how good they are at beer pong every time the topic is mentioned? Every conversation about it starts with something like, "Beer pong? I'm awesome at beer pong." Most of these people must loosely define the word awesome. 

To me, when you tell me you're awesome at beer pong, it means that if you take ten shots, you hit nine of them. You don't hit every other one, you don't hit two thirds, you need to be nearly automatic to be considered awesome. My favorite is when it comes time to actually witness this person play beer pong. What you will notice is that they usually suck, and then they say something along the lines of. "I'm just having an off night bro."

Yeah, you're having an off night and I have Jennifer Anniston naked in my living room. If you can't back up the talk, don't talk. If you're good, do all the talking you want. Just make sure that when it comes time to put your money where your mouth is, you don't come up with some weak ass excuse. 

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