Thursday, April 11, 2013

I Love When Women Give Each Other Dirty Looks For What They're Wearing

I've said it before and I will say it again, women are easily the most jealous creatures on the planet. And when I say jealous I mean jealous of each other. When a women criticizes another women, it just means she's jealous. When a woman is pissed off at another women, most of the time she is jealous. And when a woman gives another woman a dirty look because of what she's wearing, yes, it means she's jealous.

Let's take for example yesterday. I'm walking through the streets of New York City getting ready to dominate some video editing as per usual and there is a chick walking in front of me with a dress on. No, I wasn't hoping for the skirt to fly up in the wind to see what she's got. Okay, maybe I was but that's not the point of the story.

Anyway, there were two women walking towards me coming up at a fairly fast pace. Now the woman walking in front of me had to move a little to her left because of something on the sidewalk. When she moved she got a little closer to the girls walking towards us. As she moved, the girls looked her up and down and gave her the dirtiest look in the league. Just judging her and looking right through her like she had just told the both of them to go fornicate themselves with an iron stick. She was in a dress looking good while the girls giving the dirty looks had their hair up and were wearing jean jackets. Who wears jean jackets still? I thought those went out of style when Saved By the Bell went off the air.

Regardless of when jean jackets went out of style (I'll save that for another time), the dirty looks were only because of jealousy. It's how women are. They dress to look better than every other woman they're going to see and their motives are strictly based on jealousy of other women. You can disagree with me all you want. But ladies, you all know it's true. You're the most jealous creatures on the planet.

Sidenote: If you got the Family Guy Tom Tucker reference then kudos to you.

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