Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Plaxico Burress Walks Into a Bar...

So Plaxico Burress walks into a bar and asks for free shots. Seriously, he walked into the bar I work at and asked for free shots. Just walked right in, walked up to my manager and said, "Free shots." My manager looked at him like he had ten heads and said, "Excuse me." Plaxico then looked at him again and said, "Let's try this again, free shots." That was when the hilarity ensued.

My manager told a millionaire former NFL star that he wasn't getting free shots. He asked him if he played football for free and when Plax said, "Absolutely not" my manager asked why he should  have to work for free by giving him free shit when he could buy the bar with his bank account at a moments notice. Plaxico in typical Plaxico fashion didn't have a response for this.

Also in typical Plaxico fashion he was with the ugliest hooker, tramp, stripper looking chick anyone's ever seen. So not only did he want free shit, but he was dry humping a cum dumpster at the bar. And then in typical Plaxico fashion he bought two drinks, didn't leave a tip and walked out. You're a millionaire, but you can't tip. What a class act he is.

What's the moral of the story? Plaxico Burress is exactly what everyone thinks he is. A selfish has been who thinks he's entitled to shit just because of his name. Just remember, no matter how big of a splash you make in this world whether your name is Frankie Muniz, Lindsey Lohan or even Plaxico Buress eventually nobody gives a flying fuck.

Sidenote: It would have been great if my manager would've said, "Oh I didn't realize who you were I'm sorry for shooting myself in the foot."

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