Friday, June 15, 2012

She's Giving You The Vibe That She Wants It But...

You think you have a chick figured out but then suddenly you really don't have any idea. Women give different vibes all the time but let's be realistic, she might give the vibe that she wants to fuck but she probably doesn't do "that". Why? Because if they can just get attention from you in one way or another that's good enough for them. 

There are girls who give off different vibes all the time. They flirt with you, talk about hanging out, say random things that would involve them sleeping at your place and you think that this girl actually wants to bang you. Wrong, it's her just wanting your attention any way she can get it. She knows you want it, so it makes it easier for her to be a cock tease. 

But when push comes to shove and it's time to put your dick where her vagina is she will either say something along the lines of her thinking that you two are just friends or that she doesn't have one night stands ever. Realistically we all know that's a lie. 

Don't be fooled by her fake attention wanting vibe that she's giving out. That's how you fall into the trap. You know what you're better off doing? Seeing her out drunk with her friends one night, getting her to let her guard down and then going back to your place, put on your miners helmet and go to work. It's not the only way, but guess what? It's the best way. 

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