Monday, May 14, 2012

Over/Under On How Long It Takes For The First Fight To Break Out During Tonight's Rangers Devils Game

Seeing as how the Rangers and Devils actually do despise each other, which I love, I am going to set an over/under on how long it'll take for a fight to break out in tonight's game one. Since the March 19th game only took about three seconds for them to start pounding each other's faces in I think this one I'll set the over/under at five minutes. It's just enough time to get the butterflies out and get into the flow of the game, and it's also enough time where it doesn't look totally ridiculous if a fight breaks out. And in that I'm actually gonna take the over as well, but not by much. I'm expecting fights, hits and beatings for seven games in this series and you know Tortarella doesn't give a shit, he'll send out the fighters all day if he has to. Series should be fun, we'll see who decides to set the tone at 8pm tonight. 

Sidenote: If anyone is in NYC and wants to come out to Traffic on 52nd and 2nd to watch the game, you resident Monday bartender wouldn't hate it. If not, I'll just watch the fucking game and you can suck me. 

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