Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Who Has More One Night Stands?

Men and women get into arguments all the time mainly about each other. He's an asshole, she's a bitch and they're both crazy and/or stupid. But one argument I overheard the other day was about who has more one night stands? Guys or girls? Now, top of your head you're saying guys. But I'm here to tell you that this might not be entirely true. 

Actually, this isn't entirely true at all. Let's look at a for instance here for a second. For instance, a lot of guys are bullshitters. They'll tell you that they've done things with women that they've actually never touched before or just made out with or whatever. I would say a good 80% of guys one night stand stories are just blatant flat out lies. If he's overly excited about banging a chick who was way too hot for him, he's lying. 

Now, as for women, you have that one power that only you have control over. We can't control this, we just have to hope you let up in it. What I am talking about is your vagina. Since you have a vagina you can literally have sex as often as you want. All you need to do is go up to a guy and tell him that you're horny and he's not gonna turn you down. Guys get turned down all the time for many reasons. A woman will never get turned down. Therefore, women have to have more one night stand's just solely based on the fact that to have a one night stand all you really have to do is be there. We're the one's who need to put the work in. 

You don't believe me? Go out and see what I mean. Even if a guy gets a girl to come home with him, he's not guaranteed sex. If a girl wants a guy to come home with her, that means she wants it and she's getting it. You can't sit there and tell me I'm making this shit up. It's all 100% true. Although I firmly believe there should be a rule that if a chick leaves the bar with a guy she's automatically obligated to at least blow him. But in the argument of one night stands, if you think logically it's the women who have more. Nothing personal, it's just science. 

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