Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Who Has More One Night Stands? Rebuttal

Let me start out by saying this post is not about who has more sex, but who has more one night stands.  Daddy made some good points, but ultimately I have to disagree and say that men have more one night stands.  Why? Because men are like dogs.  You will literally eat any treat that's put in front of you even if it smells like/looks like trash and will probably kill you.  One snap of the fingers is all it takes and bam, you're over there wagging your tail thinking "oh god, meat...meat...BOOBIES."  Women, on the other hand, are like cats.  We're way more selective, and will act like complete bitches if we don't get what we want.  We want sex just as much as guys, but we're not going to compromise to get it. 

So how does this translate to one night stands? Well I agree that most men are lying about how many people they've slept with.  That being said, a lot of you boys try to up your number any way you can.  One night stands are a perfect way to keep rolling the dice every night.  Even if women are more selective, there's always going to be that one slut that's just looking to get railed every night.  So for every girl that has a one night stand, you probably have 4 or 5 guys who have run train on her.  I'm not hating, that's just the way it is.  And the power of the vagina only applies if you're a 7 or above and think about it, how many hot girls have a ton of one night stands?  Sure, a hot girl can get sex anytime she wants, but if you can get dinner and some flowers with that deal why give it up after one night?  Guys think about your one night stands, were any of them a 10? Didn't think so.   

One more thing.  Do you know hard it is to sneak out in the morning if you're chick?  Guys can just stroll out the door looking like they're dressed for the day.  Women, on the other hand, have to treck down the street in high heels and whatever godforesaken outfit we decided looked sexy the night before.  Not to mention even if you have a somewhat normal outfit on, no girl puts on stripper make-up that early in the day.  It's called the walk of shame for a reason.  Once again, as a girl you have to think about these things, no matter how many vodka shots are telling your body "YES".  So that, ladies and gentlemen, is why men have more one night stands. 

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