Friday, February 3, 2012

Why Are Women Complete Bitches To Eachother?

Women say that they get along with guys better than they get along with each other, why? Most of them always give the same exact answer, "Because women are bitches." So my question is actually very simple and I hope you can answer it, but why are women complete bitches to each other? 

Let's take scenario A. It's a girl's birthday and she's trying to look the best because she's the birthday girl and it's her night. What happens next? One of her bitch friends sees how good she looks and goes back in to get changed. Why? Because she has to look better than the birthday girl. She's one upping her friend here. Why do I see something completely wrong with that? It's your "friend's" night, let her have the spotlight. But no, bitches can't even handle that, they would have a heart attack if they weren't the one getting the compliments for one night. Oh, and women also dress to look better than each other, not to impress men. 

Now to scenario B. These women get a table at a restaurant and they have a female waitress. When they walked in they said hello very nicely to the male bartender but now they're complete bitches to the female waitress. Why? Are you that much of a slut that you're getting mad at the waitress because she works with the hot guy bartender? Because that's what it sounds like. Next thing you know they're tipping $5 on a $100 bill and it's all because the waitress was a female. 

So as much as women can be bitchy to guys, women are more bitchy to each other than anyone or anything else. At least guys are friendly and they at least actually like each other. You girls pretend to like each other and then get into fights about who looks better. It's a terrible way to live your life. 

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