Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Mets Fans, Here Are The Reasons To Not Miss Jose Reyes

There are a huge portion of Met fans who believe that the loss of Jose Reyes is the worst thing that can possibly happen to the franchise. I'm here to tell you, it's not a bad as you think and I will give you the reasons to not miss Jose Reyes.

1) He'll always get hurt:
He hasn't played in more than 133 games in four years. That same hamstring is the one that keeps getting hurt and everyone wants to say that playing in Miami, the weather is always nice and his hamstrings will be perfectly fine. I guess everyone forgot that he just got hurt in the middle of July in the best weather that North America gets all year. Do you really want to pay a guy $106 million dollars to play between 100 and 120 games a year? 

2) He's not an on base percentage guy: 
He's a guy who is going to hit around .280 or .290 with an on base percentage that isn't that high for a leadoff man. This year was his contract year and he put up .337 with a .384 on base percentage. Both way above his average. Career on base percentage is .341, which isn't bad but for a leadoff hitter, but it's not great. 

3) He's getting older:
His game is based on speed, and he's getting older with a bad hamstring. Once he hits 30 he's not gonna be the same guy that he was at 26. Long term contracts never work out the entire time. Maybe he has two good years, but he's signed for six. Once his speed is gone, what do you really have? He doesn't hit for power, he doesn't drive in runs and his on base percentage isn't great. How many runs will he score once he loses a few steps? Also, you lose some on the defensive end when he loses his speed. 

4) He doesn't hit in September: 
In 2007, the first collapse, he was hitting .301 going into September, he finished at .280. In 2008, the second collapse, he was hitting somewhere in the rang of .315 going into September, he finished at .297 and the next two years he was hurt. Then this past year, he had a huge lead in the batting race, and finishes by bunting for a hit and taking himself out of the game. That's the last image I have of him as a Met. Just an I guy who is in it for himself and doesn't have a clutch bone in his body. If he was any bit clutch, he would hit in September.

5) The Mets aren't the Yankees: 
Everyone is talking about all these Mets franchise records that he owns. We're talking about the Mets here, not the Yankees. This isn't some great franchise that's been around since the beginning of baseball. It's a piss poor run franchise, that hasn't had many stars or record holders. Calm down, one day we'll be okay again. Alderson is heading in the right direction and I think he should be commended for not giving Reyes the money the Mets don't have. Let's rebuild and see what happens. But trust me, these aren't records that are untouchable. The Mets aren't the Yankees. 

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