Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Women Who Think Their Life Is A Movie

We all know these type of women. The one's who are going around looking for that perfect guy and they think that every guy they meet could potentially be "the one". Can you grow up please? Your life is not a movie and the camera is not rolling. 

These girls suck. They literally talk about every guy like they're about to get into a long term relationship. "Well, he's cute, he has a good job, and he's from a good family who eats dinner together every night." Who the fuck cares? Do you realize that these guys want to have sex with you and that's it? They're not looking for a relationship. 

Also, you send off terrible signals when you act like this. You text all the time, you want to talk all the time, you think that every date is going to be this romantic thing that sends out the signals that this guy is the one. If you repeatedly do this over and over again, this should tell you something. You're the problem, the guys are not the problem. 

If you have thought that every guy who suddenly speaks to you is ready to put a ring on your finger than you are living in a fantasy world. Also, if you overanalyze everything that guys say to you, you're a moron. So ladies, if you think your life is a movie, please stop. Maybe go out and have some fun. Go bang a random dude with your mouth and wake up in a strange apartment somewhere. It'll be good for you and probably change your life. 

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