Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Penn State Planning Joe Paterno's Exit


This whole scandal is fishy. First you have Joe Pa doing the bar minimum, and now you have Penn State canceling today's press conference. Now we have reports that Penn State is planning Joe Paterno's exit because of the whole Sandusky raping little kids story that I tried to stay away from but it is now too big to not talk about. Other than murder, this is the worst possible thing you can do, and all these people looked the other way. Everyone should be gone. End of story. And anyone who is trying to compare this to the Ohio State scandal, you're a moron. That was about getting free tattoos this is about raping kids. Don't even try to compare this shit. You're an idiot if you think this is even in the same ballpark. 

Sidenote: I guess that's why they call it Happy Valley...Too soon? 

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