Friday, November 11, 2011

The Legend Of Bruce "Wet Willy" Willis

I don't know if this is actually true, but if it is it might be one of the funniest and coolest things I've ever heard. Last night at work a girl that I work with was telling me a rumor about Mr. Bruce Willis. Now we all know that Bruce Willis is the fucking man, but if this happens to be true he is by far the coolest actor to ever walk the face of the earth. 

Legend has it that Bruce Willis will go out to random parties being that he is Bruce Willis and he can go to any party he wants. But what he does at these random parties is the legend. The legend says that he goes up to random people and gives them wet willies. Then when they turn around and look at him he says, "Your friends are never gonna believe you," and he walks away. 

First of all, he's right. How are you gonna get your friends to believe you that Bruce Willis gave you a wet willy? Like there is no possible way on this earth that you're gonna get your friends to think that Bruce Willis actually walked up to a schmo like you and did that. Basically, your friends are gonna think you're out of your mind. 

Tell me that's not the coolest thing you've ever heard about an actor? Just hanging out amongst the lay people and giving them wet willies because no one is actually going to believe them. I always respected Bruce Willis, but now I respect him on a whole different level. He's the coolest actor out there, it's not even close. 

1 comment:

  1. I've also heard this story attributed to Bill Murray, and instead of Wet Willies, he covers peoples' eyes from behind and asks "guess who?"
