Friday, October 14, 2011

Relax Girls, It's Only Drizzling

Shitty weather is always a time for women to over exaggerate everything that is going on. So what better way to over exaggerate shitty weather than act like some mist is a fucking monsoon? Oh my god, your hair is gonna get wet, holy shit, how did anyone ever survive the day with their hair getting wet because of some fucking mist?

Girls, there's no reason to think that the sky is falling by saying, "Oh my god! I can't believe it! My hair!". Seriously, you've gotten wetter by looking at a picture of Brad Pitt with his shirt off than you're getting when you're caught in this "rain". 

Next, complaining on facebook about how bad the rain is outside. Maybe you should actually look outside before you start complaining about how bad the weather is. Also, you make it like complaining on your status is gonna magically make the sun come out. It's not, so grow up, and fucking deal with it. 

Girls, most of you are adults now, and I use the term adult loosely. In case you didn't know, sometimes the weather isn't perfect, deal with it. This means heading for the hills when a little rain comes makes you look worse than Snooki trying to teach a religion class. Just be a normal person for once and try not to make a scene about everything that goes on. You might just get people to think you're not pathetic. 

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