Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ladies, Don't Put Yourself In That Position...

Something that is not often said when girls with boyfriends get hit on by random guys at the bar

Alright ladies, this is for all of you who have boyfriends or are in the process of having a boyfriend by virtue of not having the label yet. Whenever something goes wrong, like a random guy hitting on you and making a move, you always play the "Woe is me" card or the "I didn't know he was gonna do that" card. Really? Did you think the random guy you just met at the bar only wanted to buy you drinks and be on his merry way? How dumb do you think guys are? And why wouldn't you just say, "No, I have a boyfriend."? Because you want the attention. But what happens when the shit hits the fan? 

Let's use an example. You're out at a bar without your boyfriend, and a guy approaches you. You automatically start talking to him, because you just crave the attention, and then he buys you a drink that you obviously accept. He keeps talking to you and you're too naive to realize that this isn't harmless small talk, this guy wants to take you home. You also never mention that you have a boyfriend. 

The night goes on and then suddenly, BOOM! This guy makes a move on you and tries to kiss you. He catches your lips for a second but you pull away and walk away. That's when you finally tell him that you have a boyfriend. After he has made the move, because you feel guilty. Next comes the good part, you telling your boyfriend what happened. 

You play it off like it's not a big deal, but to him, it is. And rightfully so, you tell him what happened and he responds with, "Why didn't you just tell him you had a boyfriend from the start? Why would you put yourself in that position?" This is where you flip out and say, "Are you kidding me? What position? I was just talking to him it was harmless." 

Here is where you girls need a lesson. Talking to a guy is never harmless. Guys normally have the motive of trying to get with you, it's the way we are. Guys have the same motives at a bar as lions hunting gazelles in the jungle. That's the way it is. Moving on, YOU put yourself in a bad position by talking to these guys and not telling them that you're with someone. Therefore, YOU set yourself up for this guy thinking he's getting some. The moral of the story is avoid the bad position. Stop being a little attention whore and just tell the random guy that you have a boyfriend. Your boyfriend will surely reimburse you on the drinks that you buy the next time you go out. Hopefully this will teach you something, if it doesn't, then it's on you not on me. 

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