Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Human Race Continues to Dominate

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21 feet long, are you serious?! That's just ridiculous. The hillbillies in Louisiana would probably be terrified of this thing. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that the average crocodile is in the 8-9 foot range. 21 feet is more than double. Imagine a human being 12 feet tall, it's unheard of.

Now to get into the real topic, The fact that we were able to capture this fucking thing. We captured this 21 foot beast like your everyday mouse. The best part is that this was in the Philippines. Which is obviously an under-developed country. I'm going to assume that no single person involved in this capture was taller than 5'7". So roughly 4 people were needed to equal this length of this beast. I did not watch this whole video because I just don't have the attention span, but I would imagine approximately 8 dudes were involved in this capture with the use of bamboo spears on a wooden boat. Now that's dominance. These guys outsmarted this croc and captured it with primitive technology.

Human beings are fucking awesome, as long as they don't talk.

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