Thursday, September 8, 2011

Guys: Text A Face To A Girl, Man Card Revoked


One of my female friends was telling me the other day that a guy texted her a wink face. Yes, a man, texted a woman, a wink face. Her reaction was actually the same as mine, which was, are you shitting me? What guy in his right mind would actually text any type of face to a girl, let alone a winky face. Especially to a girl he wants to get with. If you have ever texted a face to a woman can you reach between your legs and check if your balls are still there please? 

Texting is a game, but some people don't know how to play it. Some people come on too strong. Guys, there are plenty of other ways to get your point across and be "cute" that don't involve your man status being up for review. And by the way, most girls like a guy who can take care of her. Texting a winky face or any face for that matter doesn't say I can take care of you. It says, "You can have your way with me, I'm pretty much your bitch."

So you know what? This is what I want to do. Ladies, if you like a guy who texts you winky faces and all types of faces please comment or email me at If you think it's so dumb and turns you off, email me or comment as well. If I get a really good response from someone I will post it on here. I need to know, are face texts from guys sexy? Or do they just turn you off and make you want to throw up? I'll let you decide. If you have trouble commenting, you can use anonymous, it will work for anyone. 

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