Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Facebook Name Change

Raise your hand if you know someone who's changed their name on facebook...Everyone's hand should have gone up. Now before I start and you all tell me that I changed my name on facebook too, I should just tell you that I changed my name, making fun of people who change their name. If you knew how to read you would see that. So what's big conspiracy theory with people changing their name on facebook? Let's find out.

"I'm trying to get a job, what if they check my facebook?" Teachers, professors, and parents drill this notion into your head that employers are going to check people's facebook's before they decide whether or not to hire them. Maybe, maybe not. But chances are that the employer knows you're a kid and you went to college. If they see pictures of you drinking, they know it's because you went to college. There's no need to change your name just because you have pictures of you posing with the bud light label on your beer bottle facing outward. If you're not a complete disgusting mess, they're not gonna care.

The next belief is the thinking that if you change your name, they're not gonna find you. Here's a clue for you geniuses out there. Unless your settings are totally on private, they will find you. The only way you will not be found is by being on private and unsearchable, not by changing your last name to your middle name. I see some girls who don't have a single bad picture on their facebook changing their names. Unless you're a total slob, I think you'll be fine if you just keep your normal name.

There you have it, the main reasons that people decide to change their facebook name. And by he way, if people really want to find you that bad, your boss is probably a real prick who wouldn't know a good time if it sat on his or her face. But the moral of the story also is, if you're just not a slob, you have nothing to worry about. Stay (something) Classy.

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