Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award


It's even funnier to me because I was in the town of Madison, Wisconsin over the weekend, which is where this happened. Anyway, what could possibly go wrong if you attempt to drive a car after you have just taken heroin? I mean I could definitely foresee some things going wrong here. What happened to this genius? He decided to drive after shooting up on heroin and he passed out at the wheel, in the middle of a crosswalk, with his right turn signal on. He said that he didn't remember driving the car. No shit?! You had no idea you were driving a car because when you woke up you realized how stupid it would be to try and drive after shooting up on heroin. Don't worry, you still get a t-shirt from me, and you should also enjoy the free time you have left. Because since you admitted to buying heroin, you're probably going to jail. I'll send you a cork for your ass as well. 

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