Monday, August 15, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award

If a woman is coming to repossess your car because you haven't made payments on it in god knows how long, what should you do? A) Give her the keys and let her take the car, B) Give her a check with money for all the payments up to date on it, or C) Grab her from the car, throw her to the pavement in the parking lot, and yell at her like it's her fault that you haven't made your car payments? If you went with option C, you are correct. First of all, you're the starting safety for the University of Texas football team. Show some sense of responsibility. Second, this woman's just doing what she is told to do, it's not her fault that you can't make your car payments. And third, do you think you're tough because you beat up a woman? I would love to watch you try and do that to a guy who's your size. I bet he would beat your ass. So here's your t-shirt asshole. You can wear it at your hearing when they're tossing your ass out of school just to remind everyone how badly you fucked up. Enjoy what's left of your college career, because it's not much.

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