Friday, August 12, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award

I would think that the first rule of robbing a place would be knowing what time that place closes. This giant asshole forgot that whole premise when he ran up to the door with a ski mask on and a gun, pointed at the workers in the store, and tried to open the door. One problem. The door was locked. It was 10:05, Starbucks closes at 10:00. Nice job Einstein. The workers called the cops, gave a detailed description of the man and his child molester van, and he was arrested. Way to go. I don't even have a witty comment, or sly remark for you. That's how amazed I am at your stupidity. Here's your t-shirt. It'll be a nice accessory to have while you're getting bent over in your jail cell. At 20 years old, your asshole will definitely be the asshole of the day, if you get my drift.

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