Friday, July 1, 2011

MLB Mid-Season Reviews

Johnny Baseball here folks, back at it, doing his thing. Talkin' baseball. Today I'm here with some mid-season reviews of my picks and overall just the MLB season so far.

Let met start it off by saying LET'S GO METS! Only about 5 games back from a Wild-Card spot. In no way, shape, or form, did I ever think I was going to be saying that on July 1st. But hey that's what happens when you have a manager who can actually fire you up, David Wright not in the line-up, and Jose Reyes playing for a contract. By the way this should just show Met fans that David Wright is expendable and to build the team around Reyes and Ike (I know he's been hurt but have to go with youth). Still need to play good baseball the rest of the way and maybe we can talk about them in the playoffs. Who knows, baseball is a crazy game and I am amped up for the second portion of the season.

So now I'll bring up some of my predictions that I made in March. In the NL East, I had the Phillies going first, and a no brainer they are already like 20 games over .500. Not to sure who is going to compete with them in the NL, but hey anything can happen. Also, the Braves haven't been impressing me. I had the Brewers taking the Central and the Cards in second and that's how it is right now. BUT WAIT! The Pirates are only 2 game back!? I said they would have a good young lineup, but I also said they were going to have their 20th straight losing season. Right now I'm biting my tounge. Go Bucos! I also said the Astros would suck and well what do ya know they are 15 games under .500...they suck. In the West, I was so high and mighty on the Rockies and Tulo. I know they are a second half team, so now is the time. Please prove me right Rockies. But hey Tulo, you're still a beast in my mind. Average is sort of low at .270 but he only has about 30 strikeouts in like 320 at-bats, pretty good in my book. Also, 15 homers and near the 55 RBI mark. Sick, I wish I was him. Team has to step it up a little though if they want to meet Johnny Baseball's 2nd place NL West Prediction with a Wild-Card Birth. I'd rather be wrong and have the Mets in that spot, but who's counting?

In the AL East I had the Bosox going first and Yanks second. Red Sox are still recovering from a tough start but I think regardless both will end up in the playoffs (even though I had the Yankees not making the Wild-Card and the Athletics in that spot). A huge disappointment for me here is the O's. Thought they would be in atleast 3rd place all year. They have great young talent but are about 10 games under .500. Very upsetting. In the Central what do you know? I have the Tigers taking it and making it pretty far in the playoffs and they are in good shape to do so. Cleveland is a huge suprise. I thought they would be dead last so I'm eating those words right now. I still think they will fall off and end up in around 3rd or 4th place because they started so hot. Now there is only one way for them to move. Down and I think that is going to rapidly approach. The AL West for me had Texas winning it all. They are in first but that division is wide open. If the Athletics didn't get bit by the injury bug and lose like 15 straight games, they might be somewhere near the top. I had them as my Wild-Card winners, but I might have to give that to the Yankees/RedSox now that the A's have disappointed me greatly.

My Playoff picture still isn't completely ruined. In the NL I have the Rockies, Phils, Giants, and Brewers and that is looking pretty solid right now. The AL featured the RedSox, A's, Tigers, and Rangers. Also pretty solid, but hey they don't call me Johnny Baseball for nothing kids. Just remember my World Series Prediction of the Rockies and Tigers. BOOM! Still has a good shot to happen.

By the Way if you haven't read Johnny Baseball and Hammer's MLB predictions, don't cry, it's okay. All you have to do is on our homepage, click blog, and on the right select the March 2011 archive and read away.

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