Friday, July 1, 2011

Defriendment Friday's Continued

We have a nice list today as myself and Quite Frank-ly have chosen our usual one for the week. However, Johnny Baseball has decided on cleaning house for this week and will get his own segment following this post...

Steve the Hammer

The Culprit: Bill I-Am

Reasoning: First of all, you changed your facebook name to Bill I-Am. Second of all, you made a status regarding the length of the little league game that you umpired and followed it up by stating your beer of choice. Third of all you changed your facebook name to Bill I-Am. One moronic facebook name change plus a dumb status equals defriendment in my book. See ya Bill!

Quite Frank-ly

The Culprit: Paul (last name removed)

Reasoning: Big Paul has had several obscene statuses. Statuses included asking for people's opinion on getting a spray tan and claiming he was so hot after looking in the mirror. Checked into Djais and Tiki Bar in the same day. Also related to a prior de-friendee. Adios!

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