Thursday, April 4, 2013

Women and the Word "Cute"

We all know that women can be dumb and do many things that really don't make sense. But the one thing about women that is so incredibly annoying is their use of the word cute. It is used so out of context 90% of the time and I want to punch every woman who does it in the face.

Cute should be used to describe a baby, an animal, or a member of the opposite sex. Cute should not be used to describe anything else. Like when you're at a bar and a girl asks you for a cherry and then says, "I'm sorry for asking, I just love cherries because cherries are so cute." Bitch, what the fuck are you even talking about. I didn't know you could give characteristics used to describe people and animals to an inanimate object.

Or even better, this is my favorite type of out of context thing that women do, when you tell them what you do or when you tell them something you have accomplished. I have heard this so many times and it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Let's say you tell a girl that you graduated college and now you're working doing whatever. If she responds with, "Oh my god, that's so cute," punch her directly in the fucking mouth. There is nothing cute about graduating college and getting a job. That's not cute, that's called life you stupid bitch, get in touch with it.

It sounds like a dumb thing to get jacked up about but when you see women doing this shit constantly you just want to beat them over the head repeatedly with a blunt object. Inanimate objects and every day life events aren't cute. Men know what I'm talking about, women probably just think I'm being a guy. And both are correct.

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